The Kwazulu Natal Fundisa for change Course was held at Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve.  The course was facilitated by Janet Snow and Nomvuyo from UCT, supported by the WESSA Education staff located at Umgeni Valley, SANBI, Rhodes University through Professor Rob O’ Donoghue, Shanu Misser and KZNEDETEA and DEA.  30 Life Sciences Gr 10 to 12 teachers participated in the course Teaching Biodiversity.           

Teachers comments are noted below:                   

“One of the best courses that I have attended.”

“Best developmental course ever.  I have enjoyed this course from the first day to the last day and I have learnt a lot and I am not the same teacher as I was before I came here”.

“It was excellent and no other course compares to it”

Teachers have found the course to be inspiring and motivational.  The resources they found most useful were the EnviroTeach, wetland posters as well as the Fundisa Materials. Teachers felt that the course should be extended to all educators.  Most felt that they could directly relate to the course and will use it in their own teaching and assessing and will share it with their colleagues.  Some teachers felt they would like to have more information on practical’s and field work. A significant observation is that all the teachers wanted to have more continuity with the course and felt that it should be over a longer period.  All teachers wanted to find out more about further professional development courses in this field.