The Fundisa for Change programme has adopted a critically reflexive approach towards learning around teacher and teacher educator professional development for ESD.  As part of this approach the Fundisa for Change programme had a series of research attached to the various approaches used.  In addition to informing the approach two important evaluations have taken place of the Fundisa for Change programme. 

  1. Dr Zintle Songqwaru completed a PhD on the Fundisa for Change programme and her topic focused on:
    “A theory-based approach to evaluating a Continuing Teacher Professional Development Programme aimed at strengthening environment and sustainability education.”  The PhD has provided a useful framework into a theory of change in the teacher professional development activities of the Fundisa for Change programme.   
  2. Dr Mutizwa Mukute conducted an evaluation of the Fundisa for Change programme.  The evaluation looked at:  Impact Area 1: System development for environmental learning and teacher education in South Africa.  

The following key messages have emerged from this evaluation:
In addressing the objectives of the evaluation, the following key messages were identified:

  1. Fundisa for Change has established and operationalised a multi-stakeholder partnership programme comprising government, parastatal, NGO and university organisations to co-develop and implement social innovation in the schooling and teacher education systems of South Africa.
  2. Fundisa for Change has improved quality of teacher education by integrating environmental and sustainability learning in the national system of education.
  3. Fundisa for Change has deepened the relevance and quality of teacher and teacher educator’s content knowledge, pedagogy and formative assessment participating institutions.
  4. Fundisa for Change has produced exemplar materials that are suitable for local learning environments.
  5. Fundisa for Change has generated research products that address Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS), Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education and Gaps between Teacher Education Theory, Practice and Policy.
  6. Fundisa for Change has developed a strong and growing community of practice of teacher trainers who can play a catalytic role and scaling the Fundisa for Change approach to integration of relevant and quality integration of environment and sustainability in the schooling and teacher education systems.
  7. Fundisa for Change has implemented: (i) National Development Plan 2030, (ii) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS), (iii) Environmental Sector Skill Plan (ESSP), and (iv) the Biodiversity Human Capacity Development Strategy (BHCDS) in teacher education.
  8.  Fundisa for Change   influenced the inclusion of ESD in Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ, 2015).
  9. Fundisa for Change   has made significant progress as a scalable case but insufficient progress towards the systemic integration of environment and sustainability in teacher education and the schooling system of South Africa.
  10. Fundisa for Change needs to:
    (i) work more closely and strategically with DBE and DHET,

    (ii) institutionalise the Programme in partner organisations,
    (iii) expand the size and depth of the coordinating mechanisms,
    (iv) develop and implement a more sustainable funding model, and
    (v) more robust scaling model.